Gourmet hand painted yarn. Feed your inner fiber fiend.
Gourmet hand painted yarn. Feed your inner fiber fiend.
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I live on a farm ... — art

Why Santa dropped by my place today

art biscuit recipes Christmas country life country living family food friends friendship hand knit dishcloths inspiration knitted washrags knitting Life love photography recipes women yarn

Some time ago I came across these gorgeous Espresso colored gift boxes that are 6" x 6" x 4" and I knew that all of the goodies I put into a Biscuit Blanket kit would fit perfectly inside of one. I also knew that the yarn, the note card and the recipe cards would look scrumptious inside a box that color.

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Somewhere north of here

art Christmas country life country living faith family gifts Holidays knitting Life love marriage photography relationships Santa Claus spirituality thoughts travel Upstate New York

Somewhere north of here there is a place where a gazillion little elves are working around the clock to help a jolly ol' guy in a red suit create some magic that will bring happiness and joy to a great many children and other human beings. Their effort will be worthwhile, no matter how hard they have to work in getting there. Memories of the magic they create will live on in the hearts and minds of those who experience it for years to come. They will make a difference, those elves and that jolly ol' guy in the red...

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It Happened One Night

art Christmas country life culture family friends gifts Holidays inspiration knitting Life personal photography Photos shopping Thanksgiving thoughts travel women

Having been featured in the "Treasury" collections of other Etsy sellers frequently, I decided it was time to pay it forward and create a Treasury of my own to promote some very aesthetic, special-to-me, items I have seen on Etsy. It is sort of like window shopping, but at home in my PJs while Sweet Pea runs around the room playing with toys and singing pretty little songs to herself. So, how about grabbing a cuppa something and taking a look at what I "treasured" this morning ...

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Moments Art Show, another go 'round

art country life country living culture faith family friends home inspiration knitting Life love marriage personal photography relationships romance spirituality thoughts travel women

Can you imagine waking up in the morning and greeting the first person you see -- whether it is your spouse, partner, child, or even yourself in the mirror -- and bursting forth in the biggest grin and saying genuinely, "Hey, it's you! I get to have another day in this life with YOU in it! "

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Spectacular October sunrise

art blogging country life faith family gardening Halloween inspiration knitting Life love photography spirituality thoughts travel

This morning my husband called from work, just as the sun was rising, and asked if I had taken a look outside.  He told me to check out the western sky, which I did and it was mystical looking.  While I was still on the phone with him, my daughter looked to the east and called out for me to hurry to the kitchen windows to look outside. The eastern sky was even more mystical and beautiful looking than the west.  We ran outside in our pajamas and found that in every direction we looked there was something spectacular to...

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