I live on a farm ... — friendship
Our world of many faiths
Christmas culture faith family farm life friends friendship Holidays inspiration knitting Life love relationships spirituality thoughts women
There is a tradition of faith and religion, the seeking of an understanding of the nature of God and our relationship to whoever or whatever God is going back at least 10,000 years on our planet. During those 10,000 years many faiths have emerged helping people find their way to a connection with God from many different viewpoints. Each has validity, each has value. With so many different faiths the world over, the concept of any one being the one and only true faith is peculiar to me. It doesn't make any sense if you think about it. However, it...
About wishing you a Merry Christmas
Christmas culture faith family friends friendship Holidays inspiration Life love relationships spirituality thoughts women
The other day I stopped in at our favorite local apple grower's roadside store to buy a few pounds of apples and some fresh pressed apple cider. After paying, the lady at the counter said, "Have a nice Christmas," and I could see a little look of doubt in her eyes as if she wondered if it was okay to say "Christmas" to me. I smiled and said, "Merry Christmas!" She relaxed, smiled and said, "Merry Christmas! It is so hard to tell what to do say these days." In response I said, "Let's not have our communication stifled by...
The true meaning (or a better meaning) of "righteous"
art Christmas culture faith family friendship home inspiration knitting Life shopping spirituality women
Our little world is in a bit of trouble, and someone needs to do something effective to turn things around. But, who can we turn to? Who has the power to turn things around in a little world so seemingly large? World leaders? Politicians? Celebrities? The media? Who. Two thousand years ago, give or take a couple hundred years, someone had the idea it was the every day people who could make the biggest difference, because that is who he brought his message to. A message of love. Love your neighbor. He gave his message to you and to me,...
More knitting photos
art baby children country life country living culture faith family flowers friendship inspiration knitting knitting for babies Life love shopping socks spirituality thoughts women yarn
[twitter-follow screen_name='ILiveonaFarm' show_count='yes'] Read my blog on Kindle. You can also find my funny short story for knitters, "A Matter of Perspective" at Amazon for Kindle. This is a brief post to share a couple more knitting photos ... it is great to be able to knit more once again. Little Sweet Pea is being so good about not ripping out my needles any longer. She actually sat in my lap and watched me work on her little eyelash yarn skirt last night. I'm going to call this one "Sassafras Tea Skirt", because I intend to have a tea party...
New Knitting Pattern ... How Cute is That?
art baby children country life faith family friends friendship gifts home inspiration knitting knitting for babies Life lifestyle love marriage personal relationships shopping socks travel Vintage women yarn
[twitter-follow screen_name='ILiveonaFarm' show_count='yes'] Remember I told you all that my son made a custom Subway Roll Sign style print for me for my birthday back in early August? And, I was going to take a photo of it to share with you all, but I had second thoughts about posting that particular one on the Internet. It has some personally identifying landmarks from my life on it, and I don't feel comfortable broadcasting that out to the universe. Please forgive me, it is not anything personal. However, I did want to share this photo with you of a custom sign...