Gourmet hand painted yarn. Feed your inner fiber fiend.
Gourmet hand painted yarn. Feed your inner fiber fiend.
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I live on a farm ... — Holidays

From Sea to Shining Sea: Western New York

4th of July blogging country living dogs faith family food free knitting patterns gardening Holidays knitting love marriage pets photography Pike's Peak Project relationships romance

From the top of Pike's Peak, according to the inspiration behind "America the Beautiful", a person can see from sea to shining sea across the beautiful land that is America. Today, this 4th of July in 2007, we handful of bloggers have launched the Pike's Peak Project to give a view of America in word and photograph that does truly stretch from sea to shining sea. This project began as a tribute to my brother, Dan, who passed away just over two years ago. Dan loved America, the view from Pike's Peak, and the song that lies at the foundation...

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Approaching Pike's Peak

4th of July blogging Blogroll charity knitting country living dating dogs faith family food free knitting patterns gifts health Holidays knitting love marriage pets photography recipes relationships romance volunteerism

Thank you to everyone who gave me a warm welcome home. You are such good friends; your well wishes always make my day. Being home again is an interesting experience, considering this has only been "home" for a little over a year now. What a feeling of "home" though. Oddly enough, knowing this place as home helped me feel more relaxed and happy visiting Los Angeles. The traffic jams did not annoy me in the least (and I drove in much traffic); the heat didn't get me down (in fact, it was cooler in LA than it was on the...

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Decisions, decisions

4th of July blogging charity knitting country living dating dogs faith family food free knitting patterns Holidays knitting love marriage photography recipes relationships romance volunteerism yarn

I am still in California, getting my belongings organizerd for shipment: hardwork,, long hours, and today it got up to about a hundred degrees in LA. Smog burned my eyes. Traffic crowded the streets. However, the city moved along pretty smoothly, and regardless of the crowded streets and high degrees, I am accomplishing quite a bit each day. There are many decisions to be made about what to keep and what not to keep. If I were moving within the LA area, I'd keep everything I had in storage. It was already the clarified version of my material life, broken...

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The Pike's Peak Promise

4th of July blogging charity knitting country living dating dogs faith family flowers free knitting patterns gardening Habitat for Humanity health Holidays knitting love marriage pets photography relationships romance volunteerism

We have had a busy couple of weeks here, beginning with Memorial Day weekend. The lawns have needed mowing two or three times, my husband designed and engineered a pergola for some gourds my sister-in-law and her husband wanted to grow up at our place, we had that to build, the gourds to plant, and some geraniums to put out in pots around the place as well. Then, of course, we have quite a few other routine responsibilities to take care of: earning a living, Blu to love and care for, duties at Church, chipping in at Habitat for Humanity,...

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I call her "Rhoda"

country living faith family flowers free knitting patterns gardening gifts Holidays knitting love marriage photography relationships romance yarn

I used to say this flower was a rhododendron. I created an oil painting of one of the blossoms and titled the painting "Rhododendron" because that is what I thought she was (I have since renamed the painting to avoid confusion.). One morning last spring I went out to the street to bring in the newspaper and something on the right of our garage caught my eye. Large pink ... no, huge pink flowers where there had been no flowers. I remember gasping, literally. I ran inside and got my camera to capture the phenomenon for proof or reference material...

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