I haven't made biscuits in a while; they are delicious and beautiful but they can be fattening if enjoyed too often. This morning I made a batch for you ... I wanted you to see the Biscuit Blanket I knitted this week stuffed with biscuits and I wanted to test the blanket to see just how warm it kept my biscuits and for how long.
The pattern for the Biscuit Blanket is now posted ... have some fun with it!
Much to my delight this batch of biscuits came out the fluffiest of any I have made in a long while.
Note to Husband: Honey, I know you are looking at my photos today. I will bring that perfect biscuit above to you when I meet you in the village later. ;)
The biscuit blanket held half a dozen big fluffy biscuits and kept them quite warm for a long time. They are still warm even now, and have been out of the oven at least thirty or forty minutes. Today's biscuits are about three inches in diameter and nearly two inches tall, so that's quite a bit of biscuit being held in that one blanket.
The Biscuit Blanket is knit from Peaches & Creme 4-ply, worsted weight cotton yarn in Ecru. I used all of one ball and a small part of a second. They were $1.27 each at WalMart ... a rather affordable project I would say. The finished blanket is twelve inches square.
When I first saw the Peaches & Creme yarn I thought it was just a cheap Lily look-alike ... but I have to say, it was much softer than's Lily's cotton yarn and I was very happy with what it felt like to knit with it. Now that the piece is complete, I like the body of the knitted fabric.
When my husband and I were in the Finger Lakes region a couple of weekends ago, we stopped at a yarn store we passed along the way (Finger Lake Fibers) and I found some pretty cotton yarn for a couple of other biscuit blankets I have in mind. Pictured here you see Reynolds "Saucy" 100% Mercerized Cotton from Brazil in dark blue and dark taupe - both are darker than they photographed.
All in all, I am very happy with my little project. The biscuits looks so happy and well-cared for bundled up that way. The fabric is dense enough that it does keep them wonderfully warm and it happily squeezes around them when you tie it all up with the knitted I-Cord.
Scrumptious ... if I do say so myself.
My goodness, what I am ever going to do with my dear readers. I know you are out there ... wondering where the next part of the story is (what happend after I met my husband).
Unfortunately, I'm pooped ... I had to write up the project info for the Habitat for Humanity knitted 7" squares this morning, make the biscuits for the photos you see here, and now I still have to write up the pattern for the Biscuit Blanket. And then there are my clients.
I have to confess, however, that my baking did produce seven biscuits. I ate one. It was wonderful.
I beg of you please, bear with me. I promise to tell more and I have the next chapter in mind to post on Monday. It will be fun, and worth the wait.
But for today, I'm a bit worn out.
Meanwhile how about this: make some of my blue ribbon biscuits, knit a 7" square, and have a cup o' coffee or tea with me ... okay?
P.S. It is about 10:30 a.m. EST. I will write up the pattern for the Biscuit Blanket and post it within an hour.