Monday of this week our area was the coldest in the U.S. I have been thoroughly enjoying my first western up north in western New York; the snow has come regularly, it has stayed ever since it started, and it hasn't reached the inevitably unattractive between spring and summer.
It is so strange still to speak with my son or my sister in California, with me talking about snow and zero degree temperatures, and them telling me in return about eighty degree weather and balmy skies ... each of us happy to be where we are.
We have a large sunporch surrounded on three sides by plenty of windows, which I use as my art studio. That room is far too cold in the winter for me to work out there, so it pretty much stays closed up. We put my large oil painting easel in a corner of our very large living area, by the piano and I work there. The sunporch is visible from my easel, separated from the rest of the house by French doors.
Tuesday morning we discovered evidence that a visiting artist had stopped by as we slept, leaving seven perfect drawings in frost on the sunporch windows.
Jack Frost ... I had heard of him before, but had never personally witnessed his art before.
I found his style to be loose, relaxed ... casually organized. Quite magical, really.
I am gratified to know there is an artist who can work in such a cold environment, and as far as I am conerned he may return as often as he wishes.
I did manage to get my yarn shop open at, with two yarns available so far. I will be adding new yarns pretty much daily until the shop is full. I hope you will find something there you can use. The brands I will be carrying include:
Classic Elite
Plymouth Yarns
GGH Yarns
Brown Sheep
KFI (Knitting Fever)
Green Mountain Spinnery
SW Trading
Debbie Ellis
Elizabeth Austin
I will also be adding needles, hopefully in the coming week.
One other note about the I Live on a Farm website ... I hope you will consider visiting some of the advertisers whose listings you see there. If you see something interesting or intriguing ... don't be shy, give them a visit. It will help support the work needed to bring you a quality website and blog.
I hope you have plans for the weekend you are looking foward to, whatever they may be. As for me, I will be knitting, painting, hanging out with my wonderful husband, and enjoying another weekend of winter on the farm.
Have a good one,