This is a soft, beautiful scarf my daughter designed and knit for me. She makes me such beautiful things, and I always love her taste in colors and textures. This is a classy scarf that doesn't demand attention, and yet it does gently add a touch of calm style to whatever outfit I wear it with.
The day I first met my husband, I wore this scarf along with a cute little vintage, army fatigue colored jacket with sweet little vents in the back. I also wore a tissue t-shirt with a ballet scoop neck in the same blue as the scarf, but a few shades lighter and a pair of distressed vintage looking Abercrombie jeans. It was a very cute outfit (sorry, not meaning to brag). As I spent the day traveling on three planes, through four airports across 3,000 miles of America to meet him, my daughter's scarf kept me calm and reminded me of her sweet love and support.
I have named it the "Gentle Waters" scarf because the colors remind me of the gentle waters down at our little place on the river. Also, "gentle waters" is symbolic to me of this time in my life when I have stumbled upon beauty and sanctuary with a dear man I love.
You can find the pattern here for this precious and meaningful scarf ... in hopes someone else's daughter might make such a sweet gift of it that will bring good fortune to the mom as this one I feel did for me.