It is a beautiful, crisp and sunny almost the beginning of autumn day here. Last week we received more than three inches of rain ... some of it leaked into a downstairs closet through a problem area in our roof. On Saturday my husband and a good friend got up there and put a new surface on the section where we were having problems so hopefully I will be able to find a different use for our buckets, rag towels, and mops this week. Actually, this week I would like for all of those objects to remain unemployed.
We also grew a pond out by the grand willow tree that stands between the farm house and the corn fields. I had heard of the disappearing/reappearing pond but had not seen it until last week. From what I understand, it comes each fall and remains through spring. Last year was dry, so the pond was gone before we got back from our honeymoon. With the rainfall we have been seeing all summer I believe the pond will be a part of our landscape for several months ahead.
My husband tells me we get Canadian geese camping out back in that area where the pond is each winter. They will be loud (in a good way) and leave some poopy messes around. It will all be interesting, I am sure.
Goose pooh or not, pond waters or not ... I will be grateful for whatever comes our way. I have come to believe from personal experience ... actually, not to believe, but to know ... that gratitude, sincere gratitude, is one of the secrets of life. I look outside and see the golden light of morning reflecting off the trees surrounding our farm and I am grateful. I look out the window beside my computer desk and see, from my upstairs vantage point, the pond out behind our grand willow and the corn fields beyond; I am grateful. I hear the soft breathing of my daughter's beagle as he sleeps on the floor beside my feet and I am grateful.
But what of the things I have not wished for, the mistakes I have made along with way, the problems I have encountered, the tears I have shed. Of these do I feel grateful?
The secret I have learned from paying attention to life as best I can is this: be grateful for it all, the good times and the bad, the right turns and the "wrong". Gratitude is the key, and has a power like magic waters to wash over even the most painful of experiences and losses to reveal life's mysterious and often hidden blessings. Without gratitude, many things might be missed along the way.
I have much more to say on this subject, but cannot say it all in one blog so more will come later and much more will come blog by blog as time goes by.
I will say this though, gratitude led me here to this place of peace and beauty. Gratitude helped me find my way through confusion and misfortune to a place where dreams come true.
And, back here on Earth ... I finsihed knitting my lavender basketweave stitch scarf Friday evening. I have posted the pattern for anyone interested. I am close to finishing my husband's handknit Christmas stocking and will be able to post photos later this week.
I have to get my work-a-day day started, so will end off here. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog, and for those who post comments and send emails I thank you especially for your encouragement and support.
Best wishes,